Are you suddenly out of the loop?

Have you noticed that things have felt a tad off at work recently? Perhaps you've picked up on a strange, palpable vibe that you just can't put your finger on. Have you got a gut feeling that the work environment isn't as pleasant or rewarding as it was before? These things may seem small, but they all add up, and ignoring them is a mistake – they could be danger signs that you're being managed out of the workplace.

Telltale signs of being managed out, revealed

Am I getting fired or am I just paranoid? While you don't have a crystal ball, there are some ways you can determine whether your neck is on the line… or you're simply being pushed out of the workplace.

Being “managed out” of your job, also called “quiet firing,” could mean that there are subtle tactics put in place by your manager or employer to get you to quit your job. If you're not sure if you're being pushed out of the company, here are 7 red flags to look out for:

1. You're completely out of the loop

You're left off email chains, see everyone else gathering for meetings that aren't on your calendar, and feel generally out of the loop when it comes to day-to-day details. But it wasn't always this way. What's changed? 

Little by little, it feels as though you've been cut out of the core of the company. Perhaps your boss thinks you no longer need to know important details of the day-to-day machinations of the business. Perhaps they're keeping you out of the loop because they're indirectly signalling you out of the door.

2. Your workload has gotten a lot smaller – or bigger

Do you have less on your plate? In any role, it's natural to gain more responsibilities and duties as time goes on. But what if the exact opposite is happening? 

You might find that certain tasks are magically disappearing from your calendar or that you've been told to delegate. This could be a sign that your boss or employer is slowly preparing your co-workers to take on your responsibilities and shift you out of the way.

It could also be the case that your boss is giving you more work than you can handle, despite your repeated requests for some breathing space. If this keeps happening, it could also be one of the signs that you're being set up to fail at work, compelling you to voluntarily quit your job.

3. Your role isn't developing – but someone else's is 

Worse still is that your role isn't growing or developing. For example, you're no longer invited to training sessions or workshops and it's been a long time since your boss took any interest in your position. 

Additionally, if you've been asked to train someone up and suddenly find yourself teaching them how to do your job, alarm bells should be clanging loudly all around. They may be your replacement. This could be one of the clearest danger signs of being managed out, because your boss has stopped keeping you in mind for the long term.

4. Chit-chat is a thing of the past

In the good old days, when things were going well, your work hours were peppered with general chit-chat and casual conversation. You gossiped with co-workers about weekend plans and your boss stopped by your desk to ask how your evening was. Those days seem to be over. 

Your boss sails past your workspace without a glance and the only communication you ever get is via email.  What's more, there's a weird, uncomfortable vibe when you enter the office. Is it all about office politics? Perhaps they know something you don't, but nobody wants to tell you.

5. Your boss goes directly to your subordinates

In most workplaces, there's a clear hierarchical system in place. For example, you might be the head of a small team or responsible for another employee. In cases like these, your boss should come to you to find out information about your subordinates, such as how they're progressing. 

So if your boss starts to go below you for information, it could be a sign that you're no longer needed. The fact that they aren't going to you speaks volumes here.

6. There's been a “shake up” in the management team

There are few phrases in the English language as terrifying as “shake up.” When uttered together, these two words tend to mean that people will be unceremoniously fired and new people will be brought in instead. If that's happened in your company's management team, don't be surprised if more changes are on the way, which could give you valid reasons to re-evaluate your time in the company.

7. You no longer get praised for your work

Can you recall the last time your boss praised you for your work? Has anyone recently said that you've done a good job or that you've contributed well as a team player

If this hasn't happened in a while, it could be a danger sign of being managed out. After all, there are only two possible reasons for not getting any recognition: either you don't deserve it, or your workplace doesn't deserve you, especially if praise is hard to come by when it's due.

Why am I being managed out of my job?

Employers have to follow strict guidelines when it comes to dismissing employees (read all about your employment rights here). To avoid the formalities and lengthy procedures of firing employees, employers may resort to simply prodding staff to voluntarily quit by – you guessed it  – “managing them out” of their job.

What does “being fired” actually entail?

While quiet firing or being managed out often looks like your boss or employer creating uninspiring, and even stressful, work conditions to get you to quit, being fired means that your employment has been ended by your employer because you've done something wrong, or are not performing at the required level needed to do your job properly. 

Any pre-employment contract will list the terms in which conditions or behaviour could culminate in a dismissal. If you violate these terms, the likelihood is that you'll be fired. 

Valid reasons for getting fired from a job

If you love your job but fear you're being managed out of it, you probably don't want to give your boss any more reason to terminate you outright. 

There are numerous scenarios where it could end up with you out on the street, unemployed, and rather the worse for wear. If your company plays the game properly, your managers should give you fair warning, either verbally or through written communication, that your job is on the line, plus the reasons why. Armed with that knowledge, you could just turn it around and save your job.

Have a look at the reasons below, and avoid these at all costs if you want to remain employed!


If you're not good at your job, and don't perform to the standard expected, then you could be fired. Consistently scoring low in employee evaluations is probably one of the easiest ways to tell if your job may be in danger. Falling below the expected level time and time again can mean a very swift goodbye and exit on your part. Ensure you close any skills gap so this doesn't happen.


You've got to play by the rules in the workplace… as in life… most of the time. That means not breaking any of the regulations set out by your employer, which guide members of staff on how to behave when at work. Misconduct is defined as, “behaviour, such as professional negligence, that is regarded as immoral or unethical,” in the Collins English Dictionary. This can be things such as harassment, fraud, and sexual assault.

Inappropriate use of social media

While many believe that what you do outside the workplace and in private has nothing to do with your job, you can get caught out by this. Most companies have strict rules on how staff use social media, even when not in the office. Any reckless endorsements, unfiltered use of language, or inappropriate behaviour online that could cause a scandal, might see you heading out of that door with no means of redress.

Being continually late

While this might seem petty, employers take punctuality very seriously and encourage workers to manage their time judiciously. Not only does being late mean you're working less time than your colleagues, but it can also decrease productivity, with team members having to take up the slack when you're not there. If you have a record of persistent lateness or absence from work, it could be one of the signs you're about to get fired.

Damaging company property

If you cause intentional damage to company property, this can lead to your termination and the potential for being sued for damages.

Unauthorised use of company property

This can range from using official vehicles to throwing a party in the office without permission. Any of these scenarios can be problematic, especially for insurance purposes, if something goes wrong or there's subsequent damage to a building or equipment because of your actions.


Undermining the authority of your superiors, by disrespecting and arguing against their vision or strategies, can send real signals of rebelliousness and disobedience. This can't be tolerated in a place of work where orders must be obeyed at all times! If you're one of those members of staff who hates authority, you might be out on your ear before you can say “entrepreneur”... which will probably be the road you'll have to take in this situation.

What to do if you feel like you're being managed out of your job

If any of the above danger signs of being managed out seem familiar, you need to take action – fast. It's vital that you remain proactive and on your toes, whether that's having an open and honest conversation with your boss, confronting performance issues, or looking for a new job.

Sticking your head in the sand is only going to make things worse.

The thought of having to leave your job might be disastrous in the short term. There's no doubt it can be a stressful time of your life. But, on the other hand, it can open up alternative career pathways you hadn't thought of before, giving you the chance to re-evaluate your professional goals.

Embrace change – and new opportunities

There's nothing worse than living in fear, especially when it comes to your career. If you're worried that the writing's on the wall and there are danger signs that you're being managed out, it's time to take action. Rebuild your reputation at work or, if you agree that it's time to begin anew, start your job search early and see what other opportunities are out there for you.

If it's time to start looking for a new job, your CV needs to be ready for the hunt. Is yours up to the task? Take a look at TopCV's free CV review to get started, and see where it takes you.

This article was originally written by Charlotte Grainger and has been updated by Elizabeth Openshaw and Charlotte Grainger.

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